Learn the most important tips to book more media features for your business. Watch or check out the transcript below!
Today I’m going to tell you three things that you have to STOP doing if you want to land more media features in 2023.
Are you ready?
#1: STOP thinking that you need to prove yourself. The media don’t care about how many clients you have or how much you’ve helped them earn. When you’re pitching a journalist or a podcast host, your job is not to tell them all of your accomplishments or to convince them why they should interview you by sharing your own success.
INSTEAD - START your pitch by showing the reporter or podcast host that you’ve read their articles or listened to their show, tell them why you enjoy their work. Talk about THEM FIRST – briefly (example). Show them why you’re reaching out to them specifically!
Talking all about yourself and focusing on your own agenda feels self-serving. Its not helping them to solve a problem or showing what’s in it for them. Listing your credentials doesn’t give them any solid information to craft a story around. You are going to lose their interest right off the bat and they are probably going to hit that delete button so start by showing your pitch is well researched and thoughtful.
Then you can tell them what you have to share that is related to what they’ve written or talked about and how it will be of interest to their audience. This shows them that you are familiar with their content and are offering information of value for their readers and listeners. This is what builds a relationship and PR is all about relationships. Even if the answer is no for that particular pitch, they will be much more likely to remember you – in a good way.
OK, Now HERE’S #2
STOP Telling the reporter or host what you think they need to hear!
INSTEAD START: by making your proposed topic relevant. Connect your pitch to something related to what they’ve written or talked about. Because you know it’s something that they care about.
Also speak in their language when you’re writing your pitch.
For example, if you are a life coach, you may understand the idea of regulating your emotions, but to the average person that sounds like industry jargon! Instead try to make it interesting for them and something that sounds like a story you might read in their publication. For example, how to manage your MIL and keep cool this holiday season... or 4 ways that you can find work that fulfills you. Or xxxxx. Bottom line, craft your message and value proposition for the listener's ears.
Then you can tell them BRIEFLY why you’re credible and qualified to talk to the particular topic you’re reaching out about
And finally #3: STOP being like everyone else and START differentiating yourself by telling your story in an authentic way. People care more about WHY you do what you do and WHO you are than how you do it or how much success you’ve achieved or how many clients you have. And this includes the media.
So craft your story of how you got to where you are, the trials you went through, how walking through your own fire taught you to more effectively help other people through theirs. The story is where the emotion lies and that’s what’s going to hook a reader or listener.
For example, I have a client that’s a life coach. She has tremendous media success because she doesn’t talk about how perfect her own life is. Instead, she talks about how trial and error and lack of fulfillment led her to this second career. She talks about how significant personal loss and challenges led her to be a much more effective life coach than if she had had an easy or straight path to success.
While it can be difficult to put ourselves out there vulnerably, there are ways to understand exactly how you’re designed to tell your story and what approach will work best for you. If you’re not familiar with human design, you’re missing out because it can show you exactly how you’re mean to communicate with the people you want to attract as clients.
Take me for example --
My human design shows that I am here to inspire people to break the traditional mold we’ve been taught and know that we don’t need to promote our business in a traditional, structured ‘one size fits all’ way.
Authenticity is also a big theme for me and that’s exactly what I guide my clients towards.
My design also shows me exactly why I was uninspired by my corporate PR work until I found the soul care space – where I can be inspired by my work in an area that is aligned for me and that I love. And now my work doesn’t feel like work anymore.
Because I understand my design I also know that my mission is to share from the heart because that’s what makes us magnetic (to both media and potential clients).
So that translates to my story which was – I had a successful career that looked great from the outside, but I was unfulfilled and knew there was something more for me. I was ready to ditch PR entirely but when I took the time to know myself better I woke up to a whole new world of possibility for myself and my career. I saw there were so many people dissatisfied with the traditional way of raising their visibility but felt PR was unattainable for them.
In following my own design and giving myself permission to be my authentic self, doors opened and I saw a new path – for me and for those dissatisfied with a one-size-fits-all approach. I now use my skills to people like you in a way that feels good -- this embodiment inspires others to know that they can authentically market from the heart and be successful
ps. see how I just told you a story and it all makes sense! that's exactly how it works
If you want to learn more about how to master PR to grow your business by being your most authentic self, then check out the links below and head over to my website where you can get your free human design chart and related PR starter guide. Your human design can help you understand how to best show up in the world.